Preconceptions: My feelings on Thor went through a rather ridiculous change. To begin with I was certain it was a misstep. I mean, Iron Man, Captain America and the rest all fit into a science fiction-y comic book hero universe. A god with magic powers? Not so much. Still, hearing that Branagh was directing really turned my head. Not because he's never done a bad movie (I hate his self-aggrandizing directing in Hamlet, for example) but because his movies aren't stupid. Even if I didn't end up enjoying how Thor fit into the rest of the Marvel universe, I wasn't worried about rolling my eyes at prancing idiocy. Then I began to hear the trickling work of mouth, mostly good, and more than being interested I was excited to see Thor (words I never thought would pass my lips...or keyboard in this case). Finally, when I wasn't able to see it I was disappointed (who'd have thought?). So I made another stab at going to the theater. This time there would be no hateful Plan B movies, I was going to see Thor.
General Review: Well to say that there was no prancing idiocy is maybe a bit of a stre

Now that I've ground that particular axe down to a nub, lets talk about some of the great things about Thor. Chris Hemsworth and (even more so) Tom Hiddleston can wash the taste of Portman out of my mouth any da

I could go on about these two and the directorial choices for them for ages. H

Despite my ribbing of Branagh's ego (there is so much to rib), this was a wonderfully put together movie. Not only were the Asgardian bits cool and believable looking, but I wasn't bored either when we were there or when we were on Earth. I very rarely found myself wishing one part or the other was shorter. That's some amazing pacing right there. It was vibrantly colourful both on Earth and on Asgard and looked more like a classic comic book than any of the previous superhero movies, which tend to be a fair bit grittier (as a aside, me and Doomwench got into a silly grammatical argument over whether it should be "on" or "in" Asgard. It's a planet in the Marvel U, so I stick out my grammar tongue at her). I do have a few minor nits to pick, the Frost Giants were kinda lame looking (though from what I can tell, fairly true to the comics) and the huge beast that they fight in the first act (I guess it's the Frost Giant's dog) looked like every CG slobbering horror I've seen in the past few years (yawn). The design choices there were tedious and cribbed awfully heavily from Lord of the Rings.
The costume design, on the other hand, deserves some seriously praise. The costumes in Thor, lets make no bones, are

While there are certainly a few flaws to Thor (ones besides Portman) it is really worth your while. It's a story of a hero's redemption which, despite all the comic movies from the last few years, is also one that hasn't been told recently. Thor is funny, it doesn't take itself too seriously and is skillfully acted and directed. If I were a betting woman, I'd place several shinies on you enjoying this flick. What's more, I don't feel the need to throw up the usual: "if you like comic books" disclaimer!
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