The Countess (2009)
Director: Julie Delpy
Writer: Julie Delpy
Aside: What's this? Doomwench is reviewing a movie? Well, my dears, things around here have been hectic and as such there has been NO time for reading. Luckily, I had this little gem sitting in my backlog still. So, yes, you get a movie review for once. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Preconceptions: I’ve said it before, and I will say it again – I love period pieces, especially when it comes to movies, although this also applies to books. I’m also always looking for new and exciting vampire-related things and the Countess Bathory qualifies in this category. I was looking forward to a period-piece foreign film about the bloodthirsty, youth-obsessed woman. That said, I wasn’t exactly expecting a master-piece, but even my somewhat low expectations were disappointed.
My Review:
There were so many BAD elements of this movie that I'm not sure which was the worst. The main culprits are the acting, the script and the strange accents everyone felt they needed to use, none of which matched with any others. Since it's probably a combination of those elements, I’ll say it was bad directing. When the director is also the writer I tend to worry about the quality of the movie, and when it turns out said director and writer is also the main actress I begin to think that the movie is all about appeasing someone’s ego.

The accents were inconsistent and generally bad, enough said.

The plot was straight-forward, even though it was trying to be filled with political intrigue and personal agonies. I think in the hands of a better director with stronger actors it could have been something really amazing, if not necessarily unique. Given the weakness of the acting and the script, stronger focus on the murdering would have helped keep an audience interested – if you can’t woo them with brilliant performances, entrance them with gore, it works for the Saw movies after all.
Let me add one more positive thing to this review. Some of the shots were quite nice – I remember especially the sequence toward the end when Bathory is being walled into her room and you see her silhouetted against the outside world and the two men who put her there. That was effective. There were a few other similarly picturesque images, but none that stand out as much as that one.
Overall, if you can get it for free and want to spend an hour and a half cringing at the terrible dialogue with the off-kilter accents, go for it. If you’d rather use that hour and a half to do something, anything else, I won’t hold it against you. Definitely don’t spend any money on renting or buying it. You can find something better to spend your pennies on, trust me.
I just spent 10 minutes watching this movie, and couldn't continue. I wanted to see it, because, like you, I enjoyed Bruhl in Basterds and thought I would enjoy seeing him in this too. Unfortunately, I couldn't get past these ridiculous, weird, inconsistent accents and have decided to save my hour and a half. Too bad, as it seems like a GREAT premise for a film.