Preconceptions: I make no bones about being a fan of Lovecraft and (even more so) of Lovecraftian fiction. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for television and movie adaptations. Ineffable cosmic horrors don't really lend themselves to visual portrayals. In TV, you really need to eff. I have a patronizing fondness for the Lovecraft inspired in the Mouth of Madness. Dreams in the Witch House (a short made for the Masters of Horror series) was a fairly true adaptation to the source material and that's really all that can be said of it. Dagon was a fun to watch, but utterly dreadful re-imagining of Shadow Over Innsmouth. This particular movie was made by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society (if you haven't heard their recording of a Shoggoth on the Roof, go check it out, I'll wait). But despite their fun musicals, I've seen too many bad home-made Star Trek episodes to be entirely excited about a fan film.

The format also hid any number of the usual fan film pitfalls. The actors didn't seem stilted and unnatural the way they so often can in an amateur production. Some of this was because they didn't speak, but a lot of it was that they were supposed to seem forced to mimic the 1920's style. Any flaws in the sets and special effects were hidden by the slightly murky black and white. And choices like using "rubber ducky in the bathtub" technology to show ships at sea looked stylistically accurate, rather than being the only option available to the director.

It is entirely possible that I'm some years late getting to this particular party (wouldn't be the first time). It's even likely that the bulk of you have already seen this and are rolling your eyes at my glowing review of ancient news. But I figured if I hadn't seen it, there were at least a couple of people out there who might be clued in by me mentioning it. Consider yourself clued and check this out. A final exciting feature of this movie is that it is up in its entirety on hulu, so if you're an American reader, you can click here to watch it.
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