Where you know him from:
1. SPIKE!!! From Buffy!!!
2. Captain John Hart from Torchwood
3. Brainiac from Smallville

Why I think he's dreamy:
You may have noticed by now that some of my favorite cute boys are stars of science-fiction/fantasy/horror-type shows. This is probably because I watch a lot of science-fiction/fantasy/horror-type shows, and there are a lot of cute boys in them.
James Marsters has been on my Top Five list twice now. The first time was because I adore "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and Spike was by far my favorite character. What can I say, I like the bad boys who then become slightly-less-bad boys through acquisition of a computer chip and/or a soul. One of my favorite things about his role on that show is his wonderful fake British accent. So when he was on Smallville as Milton Fine (aka Brainiac) with a terrible sort of Middle-American accent, he, not inexplicably, dropped right off the list. (Maybe it was the accent, maybe it was just that he had to stand next to the younger & prettier Tom Welling, who knows?)

But then, as if he knew just what to do to win back my adoration, he guest-starred on the sexy Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood... as an ex-lover of the omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness. And then John Barrowman and James Marsters made out, to the delight of geek-girls everywhere.

As if that's not enough to make you like the guy, he also sings.
Recommended Viewing:
And this...
Now go back and watch Buffy from Season 4 onward, because I know you want to.
In Summation:
Talented, sexy, and apparently an open-minded guy. What's not to adore?

You're welcome. ;p
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